Publications and working papers

Here you will find some references to recent publications and
ongoing work. Please feel free to download any of the linked
papers and to send me your comments and remarks.
Publications and working papers
Competitiveness and the export performance of the euro area”,
ECB Occasional Paper, 2005, no. 30 (joint with an ad-hoc MPC
Task Force)
"How do financial markets affect industrial relations: an institutional
complementarity approach", Socio-Economic Review, 2005, 3/2,
pp. 311-330 (joint with Bruno Amable and Stefano Palombarini)
Sectoral specialisation in the EU. A Macroeconomic Perspective”,
ECB Occasional Paper, 2004, no. 19 (joint with an ad-hoc MPC
Task Force)
"Profils institutionnels. Présentation et analyse d’une base de
données originale sur les caractéristiques institutionnelles de pays
en développement, en transition et développés: Une discussion”,
Revue française d’économie, 2004, 19, pp.197-226
Financial Systems, Industrial Relations and Industry Specialization:
An Econometric Analysis of Institutional Complementarities”, in H.
Schubert (ed.), The Transformation of the European Financial
System, Proceedings of the 1st OeNB Workshop, Vienna, 2004, pp.
“Endogenous shocks and evolutionary strategy: An application to a
three players game”, in: Nowak, A. and Szajowski, K. (eds.),
Advances in Dynamic Games, Birkhäuser, 2005 (joint with B.
Amable and S. Palombarini)
“Comment les marchés financiers peuvent-ils affecter les relations
industrielles? Une approche par la complémentarité institutionnelle”,
Année de la Régulation, 2002, 6 (joint with B. Amable and S.
“Labour Market Regulation, Industrial Relations, and Technological
Regimes: A Tale of Comparative Advantage”, Industrial and
Corporate Change, 2002, 11/2 (joint with A. Bassanini)
“Financial Innovations and Business Cycles: A Bifurcation Model”,
in: M. Grimm and G. Kalmbach (eds.), Fachbeiträge Emmy-Noether-
Tagung, 1997, pp. 11-24
Working papers and presentations

"Monetary and fiscal policies in a search and matching model",
ESEMK-Project (work in progress), Paris, 2006
Do Labour Market Rigidities in Europe Reduce Potential Growth in
European Economies”, paper presented at the meeting of the
Economic and Social Commission of the European League for
Economic Cooperation, Paris, 2004
Financial and labor market interactions. Specific investments and
market liquidity”, paper presented at the Philadelphia meeting of the
American Economic Association, 2005, and the 18th Annual
congress of the European Economic Association, Stockholm, 2003  
(joint with B. Amable)
"Macroeconomic Regimes. Business Cycles Reconsidered", paper
presented at the Forum de la Régulation, Paris, 2003 (joint with E.
"The evolution of time horizons and economic development", paper
presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Society for the
advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Aix-en-Provence, 2003
Labour Market Institutions, Product Market Regulation, and
Innovation: Cross-country Evidence”, OECD Economics Department
Working Paper, no 316, 2002 (joint with A. Bassanini)
Product and labour market interactions in OECD countries”, OECD
Economics Department Working Paper, no 312, 2001 (joint with G.
Nicoletti, A. Bassanini, S. Jean, P. Santiago, P. Swaim)
Human Capital, Trade Unions, and Banks.” Presented at the 16th
Annual Meeting of the European Economics Association, Lausanne,
Macroeconomic Performance in Germany and the UK – Institutional
Complementarities and Long-run Dynamics”, Paper presented at the
6th Annual Australian Macroeconomics Workshop, Adelaide
University, Australia, April 2001